

Tomorrow (or today, depending when you are reading) is the big day!
We treated ourselves to a good meal and some vino after a LOOOONG day of driving trucks and carying boxes...
Of course Herbie made in time...for the festivites, not the moving part
Peace out Athens...you will be dearly dearly missed!
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4,3,2 - Nunc Est Bibendum

My peeps! I know you're just dying to know where I've been for the past 3 days...ha! Anyway, I've been quite busy trying to organize myself for all the packing and moving that will take place starting tomorrow : -/
On another note - I am officially too school for cool (the Pink version of being DONE)
Here is the censored version of a little celebration we had last night:

I've also started packing...Look at Rico he's so is excited about the move!

That's about it for now. Gotta go pick up my mom at the airport. I'll update tomorrow.
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Una copita?

My take on studying...at least on a Friday evening : )

7,6,5 - Life is good

Aqui comparto con uds la noticia de hoy. It's been a good day : )

Papi, Mami, Rosiris, Rosita, Christine, Karen, Carla, Nata, Carlota y Magda:

Gracias mil por su apoyo...pero mas que nada, gracias por no haberme bloqueado de su e-mail o haber puesto mi direccion como SPAM.


Please join me in welcoming Laura Diaz back to The First Tee. Laura will be joining us January 5th, as the Coordinator, Participant Opportunities working for Laura Orlen.

Laura is an amateur golfer who represented Puerto Rico in top international competitions across the world. She made a great first impression last summer as an intern for The First Tee where she helped manage the application process and judging system for participant opportunities. She was able to assist with events like The First Tee Open at Pebble Beach, the RBS Achievers of the Year Awards, and the Future Leaders Forum during her internship. She will graduate next weekend from the University of Georgia with a Masters degree in Sports Management and will be relocating into the area soon after the holidays.

We are excited to have her join the team!

Jennifer Fasig, SPHR
Director of Human Resources
Welcome back! I’m glad you’ll be joining us full-time. You’ll be a great addition to the team.
Good luck with graduation and have a wonderful holiday.
Kelly A. Martin
Executive Director

You made one old guy (me) Real happy today by accepting the employment offer (and you put a smile on the other Laura’s face as well). I think you made a great choice to come to TFT and we will do all we can to see that it is a great learning experience and career launcher that works well for you. Can’t wait to see you Laura—just has not been quite as much fun around these parts without you. Congrats!
Joe O'BrienSenior Director, Education & Outcomes
SO happy you are becoming an official TFT member!!

By the way, we are going to be closer cube-mates. My desk was moved to the Foundation offices near accounting so I will be visiting alot more.


Vaya! Felicidades! TacoLu on us when you get down here!

Cuando empiezas?

Boricuas taking over.

Great Job,

And my personal favorite....

Laura: Tengo trabajo...yesss
Herbie: Muy bn!!! Ahora me puedes ayudar con la renta!!
En resumidas cuentas, me siento adulta! No se si estoy preparada, o mejor dicho, no se si ellos estan preparados para Laura "la adulta".

Cambiando el tema - tengo final el lunes asi que les voy a dar un break (este post cuenta por 3).


8 - Brain Power

Today was boring...never left my apartment :-\ All I did was study and eat.

This is where the brain cells did their magic

I OCD in me loveees to check things off...gives me a sense of "oka that's done, next"
uuu look who just updated their profile picture...

6,283 words and 20 pages later I decided to treat myself...yum : )


9 - The culmination experience

Today, my fellow sports management graduate program members and I had our internship oral exams/conversation about our experience. This basically means we completed the program successfully : )

So after we were done presenting to your professors (a.k.a talk about the internship for 15 minutes) we went to lunch at Mellow Mushroom for a mini celebration. A few of us had spirits while OTHERS just ate a slice of pizza and went back to work (LAME).

On another note - today also marked the end of my tutoring days at Rankin. In commemoration of this joyous occasion I put my Betty Crocker apron on and baked some brownies for my whiny/stressed out students. Made their day!

Brownie bites in mini-to-go boxes
Here's my friends/classmates/groupmates Nao and Anna - they were grinding out a business plan and I surprised them with some treats

So here's the day in pictures...

Kim and I @ Mellow (peace out points plus system, hello delicious pizza)
I went to the bookstore with Kim because she had to change her graduation gown - she's like 4'10' and apparently is was too short for her, WTF?
We ended up spending about an hour there...I even had time to snuggle in a UGA Snuggie!
Then we hit up the iMac's

Photobooth can be so much fun!

Now I'm sitting at my dining table, working on a take home final and having a nutritious evening snack: bolitas de queso con mayoketchup (las llevo racionando desde Thanksgiving)
English version: fried cheese balls dipped in a ketchup and mayonaise sauce (I've been rationing them since Thanksgiving)

It was a busy day, to say the least, but now it's time to hit the books and focus on what I'm really here for. I'm serious by the way.


10 - The countdown is ON!

Uno uno uno uno, dos dos dos dos, tres y cuando abra la puerta FUAAAAA!!!

The rumors are true, graduation is soon upon me. With this in mind, I decided to countdown the "10 days 'till graduation". Every day, from today until next Friday I will be counting down - in photos - and sharing them with YOU. So be sure to stop whatever it is that you are doing, I don't care if you're studying, at work, facebooking or facebooking while at work. Just stop and take a break to catch up on my nonsense. It will be worth it.

If "mojoniando" was visible, it would look something like this:

Peace out,

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