
A Diaz Family Navidad

I know it's a bit past Christmas, but I still want to extend a very Merry Christmas to all...I hope you are enjoying the holiday break as much as I am. Today I managed to take a few minutes to download photos and look back at the past 9 days...it's been a whirlwind, but this time of year never disappoints, tons of laughter and good times as always. This post mainly contains photos of family and friends around the house during the days surrounding Christmas. I've also included some pics of our get together last Friday. Every year, either before or after Christmas Day, we get together for something informal and my parents house. It's the best way for my brother and I (Herbie missed it this year) to see everyone since we are only here for a short time frame. It's always a great time and everyone gets to catch up over aspao, pan sobao, and sangria. This year it rained and we had to keep moving the party from outside to inside (which stressed us out), but that didn't stop us from partying it up until 2am. 

Anyway, enough of my babbling...Happy New Year to all...enjoy this first batch of pics and stay tuned for more!

My parents new addition to the back yard...great spot for kicking back with a glass of vino.
Keeping tradition alive...poppin' bottles 
 These flutes have been around for a loooong time...I think we used to have 8, we're down to 4 and my mom only brings them out on special occasions haha.
Pastel de yuca...yum! 
 Grilling out
 Lea...she's sweet but vicious. I apologize to all of those who were victims of her "playful" bite.
Also keeping tradition alive...Carla's visit to Aguadilla. Love it!

 Everyone got the dissertation on how the Primo Grill works
Que lindas!! 
 Mami sometiendole al guiro...

Baby Nico was a trooper...slept like a champ!
At the bar with my good friend Sigrid
 What a group...
 After hours in the kitchen...if those walls could speak...
 Que pavera mija!
Christmas Eve started early this year - 2pm. First stop, my grandparents house. Here we are, the eldest cousins...Missing a few but we still managed to have a good time.
8pm - Second stop of Christmas Eve...my aunt Keila's house
 No podia faltar el bailesito...

10:30pm - Does this surprise anyone? 
12am - Final stop of Christmas Eve...here we are enjoying our 3rd serving of arroz con gandules and pernil...pernil hopping full! 
Good way to start off Christmas Day...gracias Mami por los cafesitos, te quedan de show!
El arbolito!
My second family stopped by the house...gracias por mi regalo xoxo!! 

 Men in black

 Estaba bueno el chistesito
 Con el primo Juan Pablo
 Con los vecinos el 25!

El Herbie...tarde pero seguro! Excited about his new R11
 With my cousins...
 Herbie y Mami
 Once again...at the kitchen
