
Pack your bags kids, we're going to Disney World......NOTTTT

Last week I came to the conclusion that I must be the only Puertorican out there who thoroughly enjoys seeing what Orlando has to offer while managing to stay as FAR away from the land where dreams come true. You know what I'm talking about...the place where adults wear Mickey ears while standing in line for hours waiting to see Shrek as they eat an expensive piece of turkey leg after buying overpriced souvenirs and push a whinny kids around because you thought it was a great idea to come and enjoy THE MAGIC OF DISNEY in mid-July when the head index hits 100 degrees at 8am. Ahhh the joy of a family vacation!

With that said, I drove up to Mickeylandia to spend time with good friends and family. My college buddy/roommate/teammate Binny Barton drove up from West Palm to meet me half way and good times were had.

The yearly reunion begins @ The Celt...cool little Irish pub DT

They don't have this at Disney World...Cool, huh?

I was introduced to silly bands!
We were testing their flotation skills
Binny knows I like to talk so she acted interested at all times ; )
"Hey Diaz, open that lazy eye!!"

All in all a great evening...never a dull moment!
Walking the pups after brunch
Hasta la vista Binny!

So long my peeps...Until next time!



  1. just so you know...I do have Mickey ears and they even have "Lindsey" embroidered on them :)

  2. I mean...who hates the "happiest place on earth"???

  3. hahaha!! I can just see you walking around Magic Kingdom with your ears...It's not hate by the way...It's just the fact that I prefer other vacation spots ;)
