yesterday, TODAY, dove mini ice cream bars, mornings, quiet evenings, LAUGHTER, hummus, popcorn, on demand, my flat iron, Esse and OPI nail polish, mini Polaroids, moose, airplanes and cars that take me to new places, home decor blogs, Chanel fragrances, FRIENDS who come over, friends who invite me over for a glass of WINE (or five), candles that make the house smell really really good (even if it's only for an hour), freshly washed sheets, 5 minute dance parties in the kitchen, MUSIC, bubbly, facetime convos with my FAMILY, post work chats with my MOM, my job, magazines, the iPhone camera, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, skymiles, $3 ebooks, pinterest, colorful stuff
essentially, all of the LITTLE THINGS on this list make me happy...or at least give my life an increased level of awesomeness...with that said, THANK YOU little things, THANK YOU for the good times, for the laughs, for allowing my to hair look decent and for making my apartment smell nice
on a more "serious" note...
if you know me, i think you would agree on how much i value RELATIONSHIPS - whether it be those established through my family early on or those formed recently. i love my people and i appreciate how my parents instilled the sense of "friends are family you get to choose" from an early age. This is what I am most thankful for this year, the good people i can start a conversation with "te acuerdas cuando...." ("remember when...")
soooo during this highly anticipated holiday, enjoy the time with your new or old relationships, take a chill pill, eat lots of goodies, put on some good music, try not to fight and don't forget to drink (it helps relax especially if you're traveling or having guests over).
oh and thank you for reading all the way down the page, you rock!! tell me, what are some things you are grateful for?
mucho love