
And we're off...

First post of 2010 my people. What's up? Have you missed me? It's been a while...I know, I know. Went home for X-mas vacation and my life schedule got totally altered. That's oka though, one needs a break from the routine once in a while. Let me ponerlos al dia.

The holiday's were well spent...lots of family time & prosciutto, awesome memories with friends, new additions to the family, good food, good golf, warm weather, fun in the beach/sun (gosh now that I think about it, why did I come back?)...But I have to admit, I was ready to head back to what I can honestly call "Arctic Georgia" because man has it been freezing cold up here. And let me tell you what else happens when it gets cold and snowy...black ice! I took a bad fall on black ice the other day. Not pretty...The kind of fall where your legs flip up in the air almost over your head and you smash into the ground on your side. Well that's exactly what happened to me. It hurt bad! No worries my friends, I'm oka...Good thing I had enough cushioning which helped break the fall a bit...I got away with minor injuries.

School is up and running...taking 4 classes again this semester, should be interesting. Work is also underway. Got 4 new kidos in my tutoring sessions, but lucky for me I got to keep 2 of the old ones so there won't be that many students out there with a clueless tutor. I gotta start cracking the whip though. My old ones think I'm too cool for school, therefore, they only want to "chismiar" y "hang out" and not do real work. So the whip cracking starts next week.

Deja ver que mas ha pasado en mi fabulosa vida...ahh como se me puede olvidar! Anoche fue la primera reunion de sombreros del Civiqueo Capitulo Apocrifas. El vino and queso se llevo acabo en el lujoso piso de la Srta. Rosa Rodriguez. La co-anfitriona fue la Srta. Carla Campos quien dirige el sister capitulo a traves de su filatropia en la Republica Dominicana. La invitada especial llego un poco tarde pero como pueden ver la noche estuvo llena de sorpresas.


Aqui estoy degustando el queso brie...
So that's my update in a nutshell. On a side note: deadline has been extended until Feb. 28th due to scheduling conflicts...Miss you guys bunches! Thanks for the good food and fun times.

For now, looking ahead and thinking outside the box. Please keep Haiti in your thoughts...It hit too close to home for us just to blow it off...that country just can't catch a break. Dictatorship, poverty, hurricanes, voodoo...Sad...For a closer look click on this link:

Peace out and keep it real. xoxo