Happenings of a Spanglish speaking Puerto Rican chick in her mid-twenties...living the dream and impacting lives, one day at time
Do what you Love...Love what you do
Entonces...ahora que?
Impromptu fun and decompression recap
The weather changes, and so do ones clothes, but shopping for fall clothes has never been a problem for me.
El party bus, quiero celebrar mi cumplea~os ahi!!
Esa pava estaba janguiando ahi en las matas, I had to do it!
Alrighty my peeps, good times were had last weekend and even better ones to come, until next time! In the meantime, plenty of shows to watch and lots to of schoolwork to procrastinate on!
Y cuando, cuando, cuando es?? Ahora, Ahora, Ahora es!!
Hoy, 15 de octubre, mis compañeros de clase se dedican a discutir la importancia entre "marginal revenue, marginal cost and revenues produced by winning games in Atlanta vs. Kansas City". Sin embargo, yo me dedico a darle refresh a endi.com para ver el " play by play" del Paro. Por ende, quiero compartir con ustedes las loqueras random que estan occuriendo en las calles de Hato Rey. Esto occurre mientras otros trabajamos, estudiamos y nos preocupamos por tomar las medidas que nos llevaran a actuar por el bien comun de nuestra sociedad.
Esta es mi favorita>>> 11:15 a.m. - Un fuerte olor a huevo se impregna en la avenida Roosevelt, luego que los manifestantes los arrojaran en la calle.
Seguida por>> 10:59 a.m. - Varios manifestantes sacían el hambre y la sed con cervezas frías y pinchos de pollo.
Que seria una congrecaion sin pinchos!
10:58 a.m. - Por $1, los manifestantes tiran dos huevos contra un panel con los rostros del Gobernador y su gabinete.
En serio?? El huevo incident is sooo last week.
Esta esta buena:
10:51 a.m. - -“Siento vergüenza de que mi país tenga un gobierno fascista”, dijo Vivian Rodríguez.
10:50 a.m. - Vivian Rodríguez y su progenitora, María A. Gomez, de 82 años, viajaron desde Nueva York y se unieron al grupo del Movimiento Amplio de Mujeres, a la Central Puertorriqueña de Trabajadores y a la Coordinadora Unitaria de Trabajadores del Estado. Esos grupos acaban de arribar al punto de encuentro de las organizaciones en protesta.
Facista??? Are you kidding me?? Vivian, hellooo tu no vives aqui! Tu pichastes hace tiempo...Tu tienes trabajo por Nueva Yollll. Regresa antes de que vean piketiando en las noticias y te boten!
10: 37 a.m. - Llegan al punto final de encuentro en la Roosevelt delegaciones de populares de Juncos, Comerío, Dorado y Caguas, con mensajes como “las habichuelas de mi familia son sagradas”.
Yo me pregunto...Porque son sagradas?? Que cubitos usas?? Cuanto tiempo llevan a~ejando el sofrito?
7:28 a.m. - "Espero que me vaya bien", dice Alejandro Álvarez, propietario del "Carrito del Sabor", un establecimiento ambulante que tiene como clientela fija a los empleados bancarios de la Milla de Oro.
Alejandro lo que quiere es vender tripletas!
11:45 a.m. -Un comerciante ambulante vende mantecado a precio especial para las personas despedidas de sus empleos en una colorida guagua a la que acuden manifestantes para aplacar el calor que impera casi al mediodía.
9:46 a.m. – Arranca, desde el Departamento de Educación, la marcha de maestros al ritmo del tema “Wanabí” del grupo Fiel a la Vega.
El paro le vino bien a Fiel a la Vega!! They're making a comeback!
9:43 a.m. – En la Roosevelt, Wilda Rodriguez calculó que miles de universidades y escuelas están sin clases, los muelles están parados, las calles están vacías, las guaguas de transportación pública están detenidas y el centro comercial Plaza Las Américas está cerrado. "Paramos el País", reclamó.
Si Wilda "paraon el pais". Pero todavia hay millones de ciudadanos que no paraon sus vidas para que el pais siguiera funcionando. Las oficinas de los medicos y las salas de emergencia siguen llenas, los fast food no se vacian, el que no pudo cojer la guagua se fue en pon y Plaza cerro pero nos fuimos para los outlets.
Dime Wilda, que vas a hacer mañana? Como vas a planificar un mejor futuro para ti y tu familia Pero mas importante como vas a contribuir hacia el bien comun? Vas para los outlets?
Esto es un anuncio pagado..jajaja
Es como dijo el gran Teddy K. en la convencion Democratica del 1980. "The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dreams shall never die."
Seguiremos informando,
Observing Human Behavior @ SLC
Finally, they proceed to cuddle themselves in the nice, comfy leather chair, close their eyes and BAM they’re asleep. The before falling asleep part usually varies depending on a person, some might text, others might set an alarm, others might pretend they are readying. WTF? Why are you here? Don’t come here to take up some much needed comfortable library space during midterms. Go home, take a nap then come back and be productive. For the record, I tried to take a picture of this scene but someone just sat right in front of me and blocked my vision. Arrggg. Speaking of being productive, someoneee should get to that. I did waste quite some time observing human beings and their behavioral patterns at the Student Learning Center.
Three down, one more question to go in my sport history midterm>>“It cannot be denied that the integration of baseball was the right thing and far too long in coming. Nonetheless social change of this magnitude does not come without costs. Evaluate these costs and perhaps consider integration in a broader context than sports.” Once again, I’m challenged to write about my race and how we were looked upon as being “unworthy” of competing at the highest level of sport. If the so called “worthy” of the early 20th century could see me know. Female, brown, a golfer, in college and living in the South. Someone must be rolling over in his grave.
My take: Obama's Nobel Peace Prize
However, it's incredible how many people have expressed their negativity toward the subject. Thanks to the wonderful world of FB, I got to see a few status updates this morning relating to this matter. For example people wrote: "What a joke"..."Nobel peace prize for Obama..really? you gotta be kidding me"..."Why him, he's not Nelson Mandela, what has he done?"
Scratch U2 from the bucket list
I finally made it inside and thankfully my peeps were waiting for me with a beer in hand. Here's a video clip of Julio (Herbie's college roomate) complaining and saying I was late.
Some crazy rock band called Muze opened but I wasn't very interested. I was more worried about trying to find an emergency exit because we were so far up in the stands I almost got a sneak peak of heaven. Can't complain though, we had a perfect view of the stage!!
"Stuck in a moment" was my favorite piece of the evening. Edge played it with an acoustic guitar. Amazing! Here's a short clip. Please excuse my magnificent vocals in the background.
They played for a solid 2hrs and 15 mintes, mostly the classics and a few from their new cd. Bono would not be Bono if he wouldn't have tried to save the world then and there while inspiring us to do the same. He's fighting a great cause and going about it in all the right ways...gotta love him! I was sad when it was all over, but so happy I got to see them, we had a blast!
It took me more than an hour to get back on the highwahy after the concert was over. But I eventually made it back to Athens, pretty late but made it. Oh yeah and like 2 mins from my apartment I get pulled over by a cop for going 45 in a 35. Thankfully, he was nice enough to let me go without a citation whheewww. I have a new found respect for men in uniform.
On another note>> 4 days, 4 essay questions, 10 pages and approximately 30 junk food snacks later my first midterm in 3 years was over. But I wont be rejoicing any time soon, we're about to get another one of those posted tomorrow. Fun fun! And this time there won't be a U2 break to ameliorate mid-semester stress. Oh well, i'll live through the sleep deprivation.
Looking on the bright side and accepting new challenges. Thats what its all about. Cause I still haven't found what I'm looking for...
Coming up on Saturday: 5K...my first! Goal: not to come home in an ambulance.
Golf carts & cornhole: gameday traditions leading up to kickoff
Lindsey, Jennifer +1 and myself...Jessie would be proud!
We had a visitor, this is Stanford, as you can see he has a tiger in his mouth, we played the LSU Tigers that day, get it? North campus was pretty crazy
Walking home after the game, I was pretty tired.